Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thing 35 books 2.0 -- weird...

Ever wonder where you'd fit on the shelf? Go to this site to find out...

Thing 36 -- Comic again, one more note

I see by my last note I need to edit better, so please forgive the mistakes. Anyway, went back to Tiny Tag and was prompted to save my tag withe Flickr. I wasn't sure of my account name/password, but was sent via Yahoo so access was a snap. Now have saved in cyberspace a very small tag. Ain't life grand?

Thing 35 -- tagger out of commission

I'm still working away here today -- had a free 2 1/2 hour block so am trying to hit as many new "things" as possible. But wanted to look at Acme Label Maker ant it's out of order. Not sure of the problem, but Tiny Tags works and is very cute. Am trying to figure out a way to use it at the library. Any ideas?

Thing 33 -- more things on a stick Travel

I've just visited and have set up an account. By bringing in my yahoo address book (extremely easy) I made a "general" list of friends and family who may be interested in my upcoming Turkey/Greece trip. So I sent off a quick email to them (and to all my library friends -- if you'd like to be included in the journal updates, drop me a note here), and gave them the option to bow out, too. Anyway, it looks like a great place to keep travel notes and photos to share. This is my second longer training session of morethingsonastick and I love it!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Thing 25 -- Introducing Dotty

Just showing my sub here at Mahnomen how to enter a note on the blog... Went through the Blogger's Toolkit to get her started.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thing 28 -- Customized home page, Removed quiz added library spot

Had to remove Simposons' Who Want to Be a Millionaire game -- the music was driving me mad! So added a nice link to a library site -- hint, hint, nudge, nudge... Keep reading!

Thing 28 -- Simpsons fan

As you can tell I'm a Simpsons fan, so stop by here for your daily dose of a quote and a quiz. How much fun is this?

Sometimes we fail...

Trying to remotely add to this blog with no success. Or, if the new post is here hidden in the 'Drafts' and I'm certainly not finding it. Perhaps I'll have more luck in my next training session. I'm off to tackle another "thing," hopefully with better results.

Thing 28 -- Snow -- here and outside!

Now I made it snow on my blog -- this is amazing. Hopefully I can get it off of here come May...

Thing 24 -- Refreshing your blog. Trying again...

Well, it's next year and I'm taking up the 23 Things challenge once again. However, this blog is not listed on the NLLN site, my other blog (retrolo) is -- and I can't seem to access that one. So I will report on my (hopeful) progress here and try to slip it into the NLLN site. Wish me luck!
